Sunday 15 August 2021


 Life is a universal constant, omnipresent everywhere, all energy is alive and intelligent.

The whole of this universe is made out of pure-energy , and pure energy translates into

pure intelligent SPIRIT. "ALL IS ALIVE" as the ancient wisdom states. The word death 

is totally meaningless when we fully understand what that term means to us. Death means

change of vibration or location. When a human being dies  what happens? What is it that actually

is said to die? The body? What is that?  A vehicle made out of the four elements of earth, air, fire,

and water, the body is not the being who has "departed" not died , but departed into another 

dimension of LIFE  within the Astral realm, leaving behind the empty physical shell. Which 

then dissolves back into the four elements that it came from, which is earth, air, fire, and water.

The physical body returns back its energy loaned to the indwelling departed soul, so that it could

incarnate here on Earth.

Death meaning total annihilation meaning oblivion non existent vanishing from this universe

forever, is a total illusion and meaningless phrase, it does not reflect reality, but only illusion

and falsehood. What occurs is CHANGE, energy as science informs us is eternal and infinite 

in cannot EVER be destroyed,  only change, when we die we CHANGE VENUES from the

Earth plane to the ASTRAL PLANE! Then carry on living as before!

The equation is that ENERGY is LIFE-LIFE is ENERGY.

Informed divinity here in this blogs title refers to the embodiment of spirit being enclosed

and encapsulated within a physical expression which is our vehicle we use on earth.

Lucidity arises within us when we go within ourselves and meditate within the silence

there when all  is silent and still, that small voice within us, which we often call our intuition

begins to impress upon our conscious awareness ideas and insights that go onto clarify things

that have baffled us before. Answers to many questions we have, will arise within these quiet

times of meditation.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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