Sunday 8 August 2021


 The word ATMAN is a SANSKRIT word meaning "inner self, spirit, or soul". The ATMAN

is what we all really are, we all have an "inner self" and we all our both spirit and soul. Question,

what is an idea? An idea is a being incorporeal, which has no subsistence by itself, but gives

figure and form onto shapeless matter, and becomes the causing of manifestation. We are all chock

full of ideas, our whole life is spent churning out millions of ideas and thoughts about this and that.

We are all on a pathway within what we call either ascension or evolution. Evolution is a 

continually accelerating march of all particles of the universe which lead, then simultaneously

by the path sown with destruction, but uninterrupted and unpausing, from the material atom to

that universal consciousness, in which omnipotence and omniscience are realized in a word, to

the full realization of the absolute GOD/BRAHMAN. When we eventually arrive there, all

evolution for us will cease, once and for all.

If we pay attention to the idea of going within ourselves, to look for the answer as to who we

really are, then that IDEA  will flow from "words of many" to the wordless place of inner 

silence. Here in the silence we will contact with the infinite wisdom that dwells within the


Entering into the silence within us, when all thoughts are stilled, this takes practice, but if we

persevere, then gradually those thoughts will begin to peter out, then the true silence becomes

intense, and within that intensity we are then able to have full access to our inbuilt INTUITION

which will then flash all manner of concepts and reveal piece by piece our true immortal

Divine nature.

Our Intuition is what is termed as our higher self, or our soul, both are the same thing, the 

inner voice, which is the exact "still small voice" that whispers words of reassurance and

comfort when we are in a crisis situation. By going within ourselves and meditating we can

make contact with this inner voice, without the need of an arising crisis!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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