Friday 28 February 2020

Modicum Of True Humility. M O T H Part two.

I would like to start this blog of today with two quotes regarding the virtue of humility, the
first quote is this; "True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing" Socrates" unquote,
And the second quote is this"Never look down on anybody, unless you're helping them up" Jesse
Jackson unquote, My own quote which I just made up is this,"humility keeps me on the surface
of life,false pride drowns me in sorrows" unquote.
The essence of humility I believe lies in the full knowing of who we really are, because when
we know ourselves , we also know that we are connected and interconnected to all other life
That we are firmly and deeply submerged within  an infinite ocean of expressed life, we then
recognise that we are a point of reference, a point of self aware consciousness, which is within
an infinite ocean of consciousness,within an unlimited amount of other points of self aware
consciousness,when we can fully see and understand this sequence of relative life being expressed
within a physical form and called by us as this collective term of humanity, we see that "WE" are
just one POINT of consciousness, within a numberless amount of other points , therefore we are
nothing special or anything to write home about.
Remaining teachable which i believe is a good guide in cultivating humility, is far easier to achieve
when we know like Socrates said that of nothing. Socrates has been known for countless centuries
as being as very wise and educated man, yet he had the insight and the humility to recognise his
own limitations and saw that in the infinite eternal scheme of things, he indeed knew nothing.
In this buy one get one free age, where the idea of waiting is frowned on, we seem to be
encouraged by advertisers to get it NOW? or even sooner if possible! Get 5 G get your messages
out faster than those on 4G , what next? Will there come a 10G where you can send a message
yesterday and remind your friend that they were late arriving tomorrow? What about a God forbid
a Humility app downloaded onto your smart ass phone, there could be a upbeat trendy slogan like
Get your humility to go app today,instant virtue downloaded today., and while your at it, if you are
lonely, download a "I AM YOU PAL" app as well , buy one get one free.
If we can laugh at ourselves, that to means we do not take ourselves to seriously, that has a modicum
of humility within it,
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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