Monday 17 February 2020

Omnipresent Creative Consciousness Unravels Life's Trajectory. O C C U L T .

The word occult means simply that which is hidden from us all, and is the secret of what life
actually is.
We can all see evidence of life everywhere around us here on Earth, but all we are really seeing
is the outer shell or body, that is animated by this invisible life force that we do not understand,
What life actually is lies hidden from us all. One thing that emerges from any investigation into
what life actually is, is that it seems to be a singular noumenon which is forever invisible to us
what we only ever see is life's outer form which is called the phenomena of life.
One life force that can become expressed within an infinite number of ways.
Life can be broken down into meaning Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy=LIFE,consciousness
is another word for life, a creative intelligent consciousness, that manifests within an infinite
number of ways to show  itself, and we can assume that this process is acted and reacted out
throughout this physical universe.
We as human beings have the added advantage of self-knowing, we can actually do what other
life forms cannot do as yet, and that is to be able to reflect on just who and what we actually
are. No other life form that we currently know of can do this wondrous thing of self reflection
which finally leads to full self knowing.
What is occultly obscure to most of us is that of the invisible energy that seems to animate this
universal force we call life.We can all see its manifested visible state, but are completely in
the dark as to what actually is this invisible force we call life?
We can see a fish swim in the sea, and know that it is a living thing, and remains alive until
you catch it with your fishing rod, then bash it on the head and suddenly the life essence that
we called a fish, has vanished, where has it gone? Are we that mighty and powerful that we
can cancel out life by a quick bash on the head??
While the fish was swimming and alive you were looking at it alive as well, are you then
equal to that fish? The fish as far as we know has no facility for self reflection as we do, so we
differ there.Both of us are alive, before one gets a bash on the head, which removes the energy
from the form. We too if bashed hard enough on the head, will too vacate our vehicle and die
(change location) In part two will explore this further. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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