Saturday 15 February 2020

Regionless Eternal Void Occult Knowledgeless Enigma. R E V O K E

There lies within the void infinite and absolute unrealised potentiality and actuality, there in
a wombless womb of infinite potentialities, motionless,devoid of any energy, zero activity of
any kind , dimensionlessness, beyond light and darkness, these two opposites are as yet unborn
here.This state of absolute void is the absolute state of the absolute  infinite mind , when it is
in a state of infinite quintessence without the flow of any intentional arising whatsoever.
Absolute silence,stillness, non-existence as we very limitedly understand that term.
We as that of being human beings are all encoded from the void, and were all evicted from
our place of eternal slumber by an arising thought wave intention emanating from within the
Absolute,which then in turn gave birth to what was then a virgin about to be born universe.
Being cast out of EDEN is the story handed down from ages long past, It is the story of
unrealised infinite potentiality,becoming aroused from its endless slumber, and being cast
out of this total silence and ever peaceful state, and being flung out into a maelstrom of
turbulent chaos, and we have all been there ever since, thankfully now we have all again
awakened into our self conscious self aware "I AM consciousness".
We can be mindful that this infinite absolute void is in truth and in essence, no distance from
us whatsoever, we are all actually within the void right now,manifesting within a bubble of
what we term as that of relativity. We all have our outer being, within a bubble of relative time
and space. the WHOLE of this relative universe is actually a bubble within the void.
Relativity exists solely as a TEMPORAL PHENOMENA, enfolded within the NOUMENON
which is the VOID.
Stillness has the hallmark of the void,embedded within its spaceless space.Motion has the
hallmark of relativity, and only exists within this dimension of motion bases vibrations.
The void has zero vibration,no-thing exists here, just that of infinite and absolute potentiality.
We are all expressed basically within five bubbles of expression, each expression has its own
dimension marker, the physical body is the lowest marker, and also the most important marker
of all, because it is this physical dimension that we finally realise who and what we really are.
In part two will explore this further.    Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realisation.

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