Saturday 22 February 2020

Mind Is matter Is Consciousness M I M I C Part two,

It would seem that we are all afraid to lose our minds because of our limited understanding
of what the mind actually is, we then think that if we were to lose our minds, then this seems
to imply a state of madness, or even insanity. We think that people who lose their minds are
locked away in a mental hospital. This way of thinking arises from our basic ignorance of
who we truly are.
We are not the mind! And never have been, but because we falsely identify with this thing
we call mind, which by the way you created! We think that "I AM" is the mind. which of
course you are not,rather you are the SELF, the soul which is an immortal being, a being
that transcends this paltry thing called the mind, the mind is a creation made by you because
of false identification , which is when your ego and personality imagine quite wrongly that
you are this thing called "my mind" the mind is contained in the matter which gave rise to
it,which is the physical brain, which is the home of the ego,personality,and the idea of this
thing called individuality,when you ego descends at around 2 years old, this gives birth to the
idea of mind, which coupled with all your experiences since birth, make up this mixture
which you call my mind.
Consciousness on the other hand is an eternal principle which transcends this relative
physical universe and is both Absolute and relative simultaneously.
We lose our minds and gain our true immortal SELF . This happens by going within ourselves
and discovering what therein lies. We discover that we are the principle (law) of LIFE which
is ETERNAL embodied within a physical vehicle in order to give you the opportunity to
realise this most basic truth about your very own Divine immortal identity, that of being a
soul which is the ultimate vehicle of the ultimate,which is the ABSOLUTE SELF.
The idea of loosing anything is completely erroneous ,indeed when we let go of the mind
we gain full consciousness and awareness of who and what we really are, we see that we are
universal immortal beings who belong to a vast family of divine immortal souls.We are then
literally born again into a fuller level of consciousness and perceptions, and that this rebirth
has not required reentry into the womb again!!
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization. 

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