Monday 18 December 2023



This blog today entitled THIS-IS is about how Humanity all eight billion of us

are in TRUTH all ONE SPIRIT being manifested within eight billion KOSHIC

Covered physical vehicles , and calling ourselves human beings. The phrase 

"INFORMING  SELF" used here in the title of this blog,  means that the physical

biological machine what we call the human body has been "IN-FORMED" by the

presence of Divine Spirit , which is the universal SELF or SOURCE of all life 

in this universe.

When we look deeply into the perspective of what we call humanity, we will see

that if we look deeply into the presentation sequence that enables a human vehicle

to enter into this physical dimension , we will clearly see and understand that what we

see on the surficial level of the physical body , is only a minute portion, the virtual

tip of the iceberg, what we do not see is the invisible energy of SPIRIT which animates

the entire vehicle.

We that are the body of which we call that of humanity are all enfolded within a 

dense blanket  of ignorance that hides our real Divine Spirit Heritage from our view.

It is only by venturing deeply within OUR SELF that we begin the UNCOVERING

PROCESS which will  reveal the TRUTH of who and what you really are. SELF 

TRUTH lies within each one of us,  all we need to do is to look deeply within OUR

SELF. The answer within you reading this now dear reader is and will BECOME

SELF EXPLANATORY to YOUR SELF , when you venture deeply into your true

NATURE, YOUR SELF will introduce you to your HIGHER SELF when you venture

deeply within your  BEING.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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