This blog today entitled LOOSE is about us trying to fully understand that Infinite
ocean of SPIRIT which we call that of space, in which all expressed life swims
within its infinite embrace. This whole entire universe is contained within the
MIND of the Absolute Intelligence of all which we call the SOURCE of all that
is. Life can be seen as that of phenomenal "drops" condensed out from this infinite
ocean of fluid spirit essence , which is that of pure Intelligence.
If we look at humanity which is at the APEX POINT of its evolutionary cycle ,
we can see that behind the FACADE OF FORM which is the physical body there
lies within that form an ESSENCE a DROP of that pure spirit ocean, from which
all LIFE arises from within its infinite Divine Matrix.
We all our the "LIVING WATERS" of what we call life, the living water is that
"ESSENTIAL DROP" of SPIRIT that animates the physical vehicle body of
the human being., "WE" are an "APPEARANCE" on the stage of relative being.
A living THEATRE of MOTION , we are all "MOTIONEERS" being expressed
as human beings on this stage called life. This universe is an infinite ocean of Spirit
which we call space and within that infinite space "WE" emerge out of this infinite
ocean and thereby OCCUPY a portion of Space by our Living Presence within it,
our occupation in space is that of the phenomenon the visible tangible life force.
The invisible essence is the NOUMENON which is that limitless ocean of PURE
Divine Spirit. LOOSE is about waking up and seeing that you are indeed a VITAL
DROP of awareness within this ocean of infinity.
warmest regards michael an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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