This blog today entitled ME is about how that which is Eternal Being , that Absolute
SOURCE of all there is and will ever be, has brought ab out an infinite variety of
which we call that of "localized" Life. "ME" is everywhere you look on this planet
and know doubt the same all over this universe. All that we see on this planet is
that of a "localized extremity" of a hidden source, which is an eternal Presence.
All we ever see of ME is that of what is called the "phenomenon" that which is
relative and visible. What we cannot see is that invisible NOUMENON which is
that Eternal Presence which is that of Absolute Intelligence.
The ETERNAL is made visible to us by that of Localizing "FOREVER" within
a spectrum of condensed LIGHT , which we call relativity. All is alive in this
universe , all the stars and planets are fully alive , our human bodies are made up
from star dust that went Super Nova billions of years ago , and shared their essence
with us all ! If we ask the question to our self of "WHAT IS ME"? This could be
answered by saying that ME stands for Manifested Energy, that is what LIFE is that
of Intelligent Energy. Energy is the relative MOTION of that ETERNAL STILLNESS
the motion arises from a Primordial Intention Thought Wave that gave birth to the
Localization of the Eternal Stillness into that of motioning relative LIFE. ME is about
understanding that which is "ME" look within ME and find that eternal connection
we all have to that ONE SOURCE, which is "ME"?
warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
God bless u brother