Tuesday 12 December 2023



This blog today entitled COLD spells out the cycles of love being infinitely 

diversified throughout this universe, another more familiar name for this cycle is

evolution. Divine Absolute Intelligence has arisen this cycle of diversity in order

to fully experience the infinite variations that can and do arise within this universe

and particularly here on Earth which we are all more familiar with, These cycles 

can be seen as that of life  or love depending on our awareness of the inner signature

of what life actually is, and the understanding of the Intelligence  behind it all.

If seen as LIFE this would mean Living-Intelligent-Focused- Energy-or LOVE 

meaning  Limitless-Opportunities-VARIATIONAL -Experiences, both of these 

terms are valid in seeking out deeper understanding of why these cycles are in

sequence within this universe.

This whole universe is locked within a mighty cycle which spans countless 

billions of years in out limited understanding of time and space, which to deeper

insight do not really EXIST!

This universe is basically a" THEATRE  OF MOTIONAL IDEAS"  within the MIND

of the ABSOLUTE SELF. Humanity in question is at a point in its cycle where we have

I AM SELF AWARENESS. Humanity is gradually waking up to their true Divine inner

nature. Millions of human beings today understand this cycle and see that it has 

brought  them to the PRECIPICE of FULL SELF KNOWNG, where you wake up

and see an d know that you are a Divine Immortal Being, who has ARRIVED at nearing


warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your fam ily and friends Thanks.

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