Wednesday 6 December 2023



This blog today entitled  OM-IT is about the understanding that there is only

ONE MIND in this universe and that this ONE MIND is also Infinitely 

Transcendent of this universe as well.  it is ONE MIND -INFINITE 

TRANSCENDENCE  OM-IT. The mind is the FIELD  which is both Absolute

and relative simultaneously. The word  MIND  can be broken down to spell

out Manifested-Infinite-Numen- Divinity -MIND,

We need to fully realize that there is only ONE MIND in this universe,  therefore

when we fully understand this profound nugget of Divine Reality, we will further

then realize that there is no such a thing as "MY MIND" or "YOUR MIND" .

This entire universe and all that is within it , is fully and absolutely Contained

within this ONE MIND. "MIND" is the "FIELD" and this field which is 

omnipresent and ubiquitous  is also known to many as that of the  PRESENCE

This PRESENCE  (MIND)  is everywhere and we as that of humanity are all

fully submerged and enfolded within this PRESENCE mind. Thoughts do not

come from your brain, but arise within the field of universal mind. Our brains are just biological 

computers that regulate the physical body and maintain balance and equilibrium.

Humanity consists of eight billion points of conscious awareness, we are all

localized SPIRIT clad within a material vehicle , because of our gross ignorance of

who we really are we then through  our false identification with our physical vehicle,

then imagine that we have our own PERSONAL MIND. Which is an entirely false

assumption, based on our lack of inner knowing who we really are.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickm any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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