Wednesday 13 December 2023



This blog today entitled TRICKY is about how we can learn the inner truth

about ourselves by going within and begin the practice of meditation or yoga.

We could begin this practice by asking the most basic question we could ever

ask ourselves which is the question of "WHO AM I REALLY"? If we ask 

ourselves this question , we can begin the process of finding out exactly who we

really are. We need first realize that there is a dense blanket of ignorance within 

each one of us, which hides the truth of our immortal Divine heritage.

By beginning the daily if possible practice of meditation or yoga, we begin to

tap into our inner self . When we can still our thoughts and begin to enter into

the inner silence where all thoughts have ceased , we will then begin to gain access

to our inner teacher which is our INTUITION  faculty. Our Intuition which means

literally to "BE TAUGHT FROM WITHIN"  our intuition will pave the way for

us to make contact with our higher SELF. We will begin to see that the lower self

which we are all very familiar with is that of our EGO and personality. It is the basic

lower mind state of the human body. The Higher Self is that who you really are. It is

your inner spiritual  connection to this universe and beyond. When we begin the contact

with our  Higher Self , we will also begin to receive insights and flashes of inspiring

truth of your true inner nature. You intuition will guide you gently into full self knowing

of your true Divine Being. You will with insight see that your physical body is just

a vehicle , being used by your Higher Self . You will then know that death is an

illusion , and that "YOU" are an IMMORTAL BEING.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto  your family and friends Thanks  

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