Saturday 16 December 2023



This blog today entitled SPIRALS is about how the Absolute SELF which is that

of Absolute Intelligence propels the IDEAL resolution to enable the appearance 

of life to become motioned into BEINGNESS, by that of an Intention Thought

Wave from within the Absolute MIND of the SELF. Basically in the last analysis

all life universally is that of SPIRIT clad in KOSHIC SHEATHS, and presented 

within a relative universe as a motional "IDEA" which arose from perpetual

stillness, and was motioned into perpetual motion which is atomic vibration.

All life is presented in phenomenal expression as a relative "UNIT" which 

thereby occupies what we call SPACE. All life universally is all presented  in

this way, humanity included . All eight billion human beings are all phenomenal

occupiers of SPACE without the living field of SPACE we could not become 

presented here. SPIRALS is the living life energy , spirals that rotate all presentations

which coalesce the inner ETHEREAL dimension and into material presentation 

here on Earth. All life is a concurrent spiral ,  we spin into existence, and also spin

out of existence. All life universally is presented upon the STAGE  of phenomenal

existence within a spiralling vortex, which is an electromagnetic field of pulsating

dynamic energy that completely surrounds the presented life form (YOU), being 

completely invisible to our eyes we fail to notice this dynamic field of living energy

that completely surrounds each one of us here on Earth,

We are material life presented as the outer physical body, but within our inner matrix

we are all SPIRIT SELF. We are all PURE SPIRIT who have spiralled into what we

call LIFE , which means MOTION to gain experiences of motioning life here on EARTH.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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