Sunday 30 April 2023



This blog today entitled NOW is about our understanding of this Absolute 

principle of NOW. The NOW is what "WE" the "phenomenon" are all contained

within this absolute principle of the NOW. Our universe is relative meaning

that it has within it perpetual motion , which is energy that moves within atomic

vibration, everything within this universe moves, but the  NOW which both 

transcends this universe and also interpenetrates this universe is eternally

motionlessness. The Absolute can have nothing relative about it, the unlimited

and limitless can have nothing limited. conditioned, or differentiated about itself,

this is what the NOW is.

All life being expressed moves through the ever motionless Now, moment by moment.

If we can begin to understand that Now has all motion universally in its limitless

eternal embrace. We are all firmly held in the eternal embrace of Now, you were born

in Now and you will exit your vehicle in the now, and move into the NOW  of the 


So then what exactly is the NOW? The NOUMENON of WISDOM ?

What is this eternal principle that holds all universal expression plus life on Earth

you and me in its infinite embrace? If we can fully understand  the NOW we will 

then also fully understand  ALL there is, Because Now contains ALL THERE IS

to know universally, and the now was PRESENT  Before this universe was born

or even THOUGHT OF, so what does this imply then? Life emerges out of the NOW

which implies that before emergence (meaning motion) "WE" before LIFE were 

MOTIONLESS SPIRIT. Which further implies that the NOW is really Divine Spirit

eternal PRESENCE, which means that the NOW is the" PRESENCE" that will NEVER


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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