Tuesday, 2 March 2021


 We all live and move and have our being within a singular reality and imagine that we are

among countless different things. In fact there is only ONE-THING that actually EXISTS

within this relative duality based universe, and that one thing is ENERGY, energy alone 

exists, NO-THING ELSE whatsoever. All LIFE which stands for Living-Intelligent-

Focused-Energy, is manifested as INTELLIGENT ENERGY, that is what the human

race consists of, Pure living intelligent energy= YOU and ME!  The sole reason why this

whole universe is totally and absolutely INCLUSIVE, is simply because everything that

is contained within and occupied by in the universe, is all made of the very same STUFF!

And this STUFF is PURE-ENERGY. Consciousness is energy, our physical bodies are made

out of condensed light which is energy, energy that has condensed and taken on the appearance

of solidity dense and hard. There is only ONE ENERGY/SOURCE but this one ENERGY 

SOURCE can manifest into an infinite amount of shapes and forms, it can be a gas, a liquid,

a plasma, or a solid, or even a human being like you dear reader, reading this right now!

The word NOTHING, which if expressed as NO_THING sums up what energy actually is

It is the ALL-THING which is EVERYTHING, NO-THING actually means that the ONE

and ONLY thing that EXISTS universally is ENERGY, and that ENERGY is NO THING rather

it is EVERYTHING that exists.

The ionization of energy is expressed in the diverse way it acts upon itself when in different

dimensions and densities of whatever form and shape it is being expressed as at that moment

within the now reality.

Science has long now decreed that energy cannot ever be destroyed only converted into another

shape or formlessness, science therefore has declared that energy is eternal, ever lasting ,so if we

accept this premise that science tells us is totally true, then if we look at ourselves and realise

that we are all totally made out of energy, then by that fact, we too must all be eternal beings!

So that when we die(change venues) we are converted from our physical bodies, into our

Astral bodies, and continue living as before in another dimension of expression, the Astral 


Warmest regards Michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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