This blog today entitled KISS is about asking that deep question of what exactly is
a SOUL ?To answer this question we need an understanding of the presentation
process that takes place in order for omnipresent ubiquitous intangible SPIRIT to
thereby become localized and tangible within a relative embodiment process.
Koshas or sheaths are dimensional covering layers of etheric energy that cover over
and protect the pure spirit from gross matter.
There are five layers of expression that make up ONE human being, these five layers
are all of differing densities and dimensionally divergent of each other. The physical
vehicle is the most dense. So if we look at the process the only "REAL THING" is the
underlying eternal unborn SPIRIT, that is the CORE ESSENCE of the life expression.
Being mindful that there are literally billions of SOULS, but just ONE SPIRIT.
The human body is a vehicle for the soul to occupy and experience tangible life here
on Earth, and the soul in its five expressions each one finer that the one below.
The sequence is primal spirit is the core reality, then there are five bodies or Koshas
covering over the spirit in five varying expressing dimensions.. The soul is immortal
in the sense that it can be in appearance for thousands of years covering many incarnations
but the soul is NOT UNBORN, as is the spirit, immortal yes, but not ETERNAL in the
true sense of the meaning.
As we ascend in consciousness and awareness we begin to touch that deep inner core which
is pure spirit. When we do this we start being fully aware of the higher Koshas expressions
until we reach the BLISS KOSHA, here then we can step out of relativity and into eternal
bliss, or we can decide to keep our soul embodiment and return again to incarnate back here
on Earth, but in full waking consciousness of just who and what we truly our, we will
then chose our task of sharing this wisdom with all our other soul brothers and sisters.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.