Sunday, 16 October 2022


 This blog is about  how PURE SPIRIT which is intangible Absolute Eternal 

Omnipresent Singular NON DUAL BEING, which we call GOD or Brahman

brings about the manifestation of a universe which becomes relative, and then

from within its Absolute SELF bring about MOTION from STILLNESS and

manifest a sequence that will condense Absolute wholeness into a relative 

point of reference. Which is a singularity vortex which removes the "universality"

of the essence of spirit. and condenses it into a relative localized point of reference.

Which then becomes an expressed point of what  we term as LIFE. In our case a 

human being, is manifested out of pure energy by super compression  sequence

"WE" humanity are all in essence the NOUMENON (GOD Brahman)  and are all

expressed as the phenomenon which is the physical visible vision of an invisible

inner being which is pure spirit. "WE" are all LOCKED into the Sequence of 

expression, each one of us is a reference point , somewhat like that of an ATOM

within the invisible wholeness that surrounds us all invisibly. "WE" are "sequenced"

fractal images, facets of the ONE WHOLENESS which is where we are.

Outwardly we remain a phenomenal image of what we call Mankind, But within

you lies the Absolute essence of your being. We are all basically the Absolute Source

being condensed and localized into a material form in order to become a Motional

being (have atomic vibration), so that the NOUMENON  can experience the phenomenal

experiences of being a TANGIBLE UNIT within the wholeness of expressed LIFE.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed  Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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