Wednesday 12 October 2022


 This blog today entitled POOLS is about understanding the principle that operates

within our expression here upon this planet Earth. What are these points of observation?

And how have they become points? Points of what exactly? To answer these questions

we need to begin with the understanding of what is consciousness? Consciousness is an

Absolute Infinite Ocean of Fluidic wisdom energy. Consciousness is omnipresent and 

ubiquitous, to become a "point of reference" , consciousness has to become super

compressed and contracted  within a singularity vortex, which super condenses the

infinite ocean of fluidic awareness into one single "localized point of observation,

which in our case becomes a human being. The essence of all of humanity is a 

localized point of OBSERVATION which means that Intangible OCEANIC 

consciousness became TANGIBLE and encapsulated within a physical vehicle body.

When we look out through our eyes we are observing tangibility and internally

relaying this message of experience back inwardly to our SOURCE reference POINT

which is the ocean of awareness consciousness.

Eight billion souls are all busy reporting back to this Intelligent Ocean  of Being-ness

all the experiences we are undergoing . All these experiences which amount to billions

daily, are all simultaneously fed back into the ocean of Intelligent Life which we have

all emerged from. Each point of reference, which is YOU dear reader of this blog is an

OCEAN of BEING temporally encapsulated within a vehicle to gather valuable 

experiences of being a TANGIBLE PHYSICAL BEING.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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