This blog today entitled TWAS is about how "we" are all the "THING" that so many
of us are always looking for, and that is the SOURCE or GOD. The Source or GOD is
not lost , it is often us who are the lost SOULS looking for the answer for something
that lies hidden within you.
All life is the very embodiment of the SOURCE of all life, beneath this FACADE of
form which is physical projectile which is pushed out into profile by that eternal life
force into an expression mode.
The answer to all questions of what you are looking for, lie deep within you now.
So many of us are only ever looking forever outward for the answer to our many
questions, and so few of us seem to look within for the answer. We are all three fold
expressions in life, which is physical, mental, and spiritual, most of us are all very
familiar with the physical and mental parts, but fewer of us are acquainted with the
spiritual dimension of our expression into life. We tend to ignore the spiritual at our
peril. We are spiritual beings, humanity is a relative being on the outside in the physical
body, and in our matrix core we are all Absolute SOURCE.
A great universal master was once asked by his devotee the question of what is the
difference master between you and me? The master replied the difference between
you and me is that "I AM GOD" and know that I AM, and you are GOD but are
completely unaware of this fact, that is the difference.
"WE" are all the SOURCE of life which is GOD/BRAHMAN and we know it NOT!
So we go on searching "OUT THERE" for the answer to our questions, but it will never
be answered, only from within YOU will the answer to your hearts yearning be answered.
Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.