This blog today entitled CHRIST is about how our consciousness coupled with our
I am self awareness, will eventually lead us, provided we make the effort to look within
ourselves, to revealing that inner divine spirit that dwells within every human being.
The spelling out of the word CHRIST is also about us realizing that CHRIST is actually
a universal PRINCIPLE that is designed t link the searcher of truth to its eternal reality
of you being an eternal spirit being now clothed in human form, in order to engage in
experiencing the experiences of tangibility. When we make the effort and go within
ourselves, we then enter into that inner silence , here in that still void we encounter our
intuition, that still small voice within us. By tuning into this inner voice we begin to wake
up into the realization that we are far more than just a physical body. If we persist our inner
quest and make progress into our deep inner self we will eventually become
"OVERSHADOWED" by the "CHRIST PRINCIPLE" which will reveal to your
STARTLED self just who you really are, which is that of pure spirit , an eternal UNBORN
reality that is embodied within a mortal frame in order t experience tangibility.
Millions of human beings have all been "OVER SHADOWED" by the CHRIST
principle, Jesus was the most well known being. In the east this over shadowing is
called by another name of ISHWARA which over shadows the seeker of inner truth.
Both these divine principles are there always waiting for a SEEKER to look within and
make contact with the Divine Principle.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.