Saturday 29 October 2022


 This blog today entitled EFFECTS is about how all human life is  basically effected

into sequence and deposited onto this planet Earth. We need first to realize that in essence

"WE" are ALL Spirit BEING. and are "all" arisen out of an Absolute Ocean of pure Spirit

where all is still  and motionlessness (zero atomic vibration). "WE" are all in essence 

omnipresent  and ubiquitous all non-locale BEING. In order to be born upon this planet

Earth we need to be first condensed and localized into a fixed point of self aware 

consciousness, this is done by our essence being placed within a Singularity vortex and

super contracted into a relative point of reference , we loose our omnipresent awareness

and become localized into this relative universe. We emerge as a point of reference, a sub

atomic point of intelligent life. This life force point is then contained and enveloped within

this planet Earths electromagnetic fields. This is an undulating double torus field of a 

doughnut shaped field of pure electromagnetic energy. This energy completely surrounds 

the physical being in a doughnut shaped torus field. The centre of the informed entity (YOU)

at the heart chakra is the middle point where the singularity will anchor you here for the 

rest of your life expression here on Earth. These powerful forces are completely invisible 

and mostly completely unknown  to the vast majority of human beings . Science can though

detect the electromagnetic fields that surround all life here on Earth with sensitive instruments.

But they have yet to discover the reality of the sub atomic singularity that holds us all here

in perfect coherence.

"WE" are all anchored here firmly by living energy, which holds us all in stasis so that we

can learn what tangible living and gather experience of this. The process of expression  is

run by Absolute Intelligence  and runs completely automatically without zero input from


Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization/

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it ont your family and friends Thanks.

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