Sunday 23 October 2022


This blog today entitled SACRED is about us being able to recognise that our physical
bodies are SACRED as they are the TEMPLE of the SOUL who dwells within us all.
When we begin to wake up into the full realization of who we are , we begin to see and
understand that our physical bodies are just that, a temple for that Divine entity that lives
within us, which  is our Divine Immortal Soul.;
The ground we stand on becomes sacred because the temple of divine presence stands 
forth thereupon.
It can take up many incarnations before we begin to wake up to the realization that there
is a living divine presence that dwells within us all. When we begin to feel this inner 
presence, we then think about looking within ourselves and thereby revealing who this
inner presence really is.
Humanity is 8 billion physical bodies which amounts to 8 billion TEMPLES of the soul.
Sacred means being HOLY  which also  means being WHOLLY WHOLE and complete
when we thereby reconcile our three expressional components which are that of being a
physical, mental, and spiritual being, we then become a whole being, who is cognizant of
its inner divinity and soul being-ness. 
Knowing ourselves is the most fundamental requirement that any being can become aware 
of, all other knowing's pale into insignificance compared with SELF Knowing.
SACRED is about realizing this , you reading this now dear reader of this blog , is in truth
and in fact a SACRED SOUL.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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