This blog today entitled WHAT-IF is about how within us all lies the eternal
wisdom of this universe, and that to tune into this infinite storehouse of wisdom
we need to look deep within ourselves. WHAT IF, is about the question of is it
true that all universal wisdom is now resident within me, and all I have to do is
to look within myself and find it? Well in order to fully know the answer to that
question, you will have to enquire within yourself and find out the answer personally.
Humanity is covered over by a blanket of ignorance that veils us from knowing our
true inner nature. Human beings are each a miniature universe within themselves.
There lies an infinity within YOU now reading this blog. An infinite expanse, an
INTERNITY that lies within you that contains all the wisdom and all the knowledge
that exists within this relative universe. All you have to do is to practice meditation
go within, enter into that inner silence, and then tune into this infinite storehouse of
divine wisdom.
This process is NOT about you LEARNING ANYTHING, but RATHER you
UNCOVERING what already lies within YOUR infinite inner being.
We are all that of Humanity LOCALIZED embodied universal wisdom and
Spirit, "WRAPPED UP" within five KOSHAS of expression. All Knowledge
all wisdom, is VOUCHSAFED within every human being . All we need to tap
into this infinite storehouse of wisdom is to inwardly go within ourselves and seek
out this Divine TRUTH that lies HIDDEN WITHIN YOU RIGHT NOW !
WHAT-IF you dear reader of this blog today, actually chose to do that very THING?
Warmest regards michael/ any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.