This blog today entitled PLEASE is about where LIFE emerges from and what is
the principle that regulates all life universally? All life universal emerges from the
SOURCE of all LIFE and that is SPIRIT or GOG/BRAHMAN.
LIFE is SPIRIT in MOTION clothed in awareness layers called Koshas. Spirit
Absolute is forever motionless, it has no use of motion because spirit is omnipresent
and ubiquitous, present EVERYWHERE simultaneously. All expressed life is
motionless spirit clothed within atomic vibration and layered over by sheaths of
awareness layers, which seal of pure spirit from coming into contact with gross matter.
We as human beings are all outwardly life covered over by five koshas or sheaths , and
inwardly we are all absolute spirit which is eternal and UNBORN.
What is "born" is the "vehicle" that spirit uses to gain a tangible foothold on this gross
material world. Stillness which is absolute spirit gains MOTION by becoming expressed
or MOTIONED into LIFE. this is done so that the intangible SOURCE of all LIFE can
experience what tangibility is like, and also to be LOCALIZED as in our case being
a human being. Localized into a point of awareness contained within a vehicle , which
is our human body. When we search within ourselves we then begin to see the bigger
picture of just who we all really are. Our inner being is Eternal and therefore UNBORN
only the vehicle that supplies a host station for the indwelling spirit seems to be born
and fade away, the real INNER YOU carries on FOREVER.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it ont your family and friends Thanks,