This blog today entitled KEY is about finding that KEY, that KEY that leads
to all knowing that lies within your INTUITION. The key to all SELF knowing
lies within the home of all universal wisdom , which is your INTUITION that
inner GURU that lies within the centre of your being. We each have an inner
GURU and that guru teacher is your INTUITION, which we can all access by
going within ourselves and taking up meditation, and entering into that inner
silence that will arise within you when all thoughts are stilled. The word intuition
means literally to "be taught from within", by tuning into our inner being , we
TUNE into that inner GURU who is there to open up from unknowing who we
really are, to removing our ignorance and revealing that Divine inner being is
the REAL YOU. To find that KEY that will unlock your ignorance and open
you up to that of Divine Wisdom within you, you need to enter into meditation
and take up the daily practice of looking deeply within yourself. When you can
slow down and eventually with much practice stop all thoughts from arising
within you. Then you enter into that inn er silence. This inner silence is the
KEY that opens you up to tune into your INTUITION which is that DIVINE
MONITOR that exists WITHIN all of HUMANITY.
Once you make conscious contact with your intuition you will quickly see that
the inner doorway that has opened within you, now leads to your HIGHER SELF
when you ARRIVE HERE you are only a short space away from realizing that
this HIGHER SELF is really your very own IMMORTAL DIVINE SOUL.
May this blog give you the KEY dear reader to reveal YOUR TRUE SELF.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.