This blog today entitled WOWS is about how all universal wisdom is found vouchsafed
within every human being , all we need to do to find it is to go within ourselves by taking
up meditation. When I began meditation way back in 1974 I had no idea of inner wisdom
or anything like that, all I was looking for was some peace of mind and a way to relax and
find some inner peace and serenity. But after meditating for over forty eight years now. I
have discovered that humanity as a whole has a miniature universe within themselves that
is an exact replica of the outer universe, and that all the wisdom that has been around for
ages long past, lies within each one of us, all we need to do is to enter into the inner silence
when all thoughts cease, here in that silent void we begin to gain access to our intuition and
begin revealing the reality of who and what you really are.
Meditation reveals to you that we are all enfolded within a thick blanket of ignorance , which
hides our true nature t our relative minds. By going deep within us we make contact with our
intuition which teaches us that we are beginning to "uncover" what lies beneath the veil of
ignorance, UNCOVERING what lies beneath our outer shell. All universal knowledge and
wisdom EXISTS within you right now, all you have to do is to go within and claim this
for yourself. Meditation is not about learning anything, rather it is abut UNCOVERING
what already lies buried deep within you NOW. WOWS is about making a decision to
look within yourself and find out the real everlasting nature of who you really are. Let go
of your ignorance and embrace the wisdom and inner knowledge within you instead.
Warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmailcom any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
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