Wednesday 19 October 2022



This blog today entitled SECRET is about revealing the SECRET that has been

hidden within the expression of life for aeons long past. The secret of existence and

expression int what we call life, lies within consciousness. Consciousness is an 

expression which emanates from within PURE Spirit it is a "motional IDEA"

that arises within the Absolute mind of the Great Spirit   which we call GOD/

Brahman. Consciousness is a "motional force" that arises from within the Absolute

as an INTENTIONAL THOUGHT WAVE , this absolute thought wave is the birth

of all motion, from absolute stillness, Spirit  is motionless, the IDEA becomes all 

motion universally. The eternal truth is that all life which is a motioning force moving

through what we term as that of evolution.. Life began within a primordial IDEA of 

the Absolute consciousness arising out of spirit and becomes a relative universe an 

"ocean of motion" and the fluidic force which powers this ocean of motion, is that

of consciousness, which also equates with that of energy, energy and consciousness 

are one of the same, both reflect each other.

Pure Spirit is also pure awareness , where there is no need of consciousness  to arise

it lies dormant within pure spirit as an potentiality only.

We human beings have the use of consciousness and have self awareness, so we are able 

to look within ourselves and see that the core of our being is PURE SPIRIT  from which

our consciousness  arises within us. The  SECRET  truth is that all life is SPIRIT being

presented within an embodied state to become a relative being. We can discover this truth

by looking within ourselves today, WE are the SECRET portrayed as motional life.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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