Friday 5 October 2018

Negative Insincere Clinging Emotions =N I C E .

The word nice originates from two sources, one from the old French, meaning, foolish,stupid,
senseless, and the other from the Latin word Nescius, meaning ignorant,unaware,literally "not
knowing", not exactly a word we would want to be associated with then. Over the years it original
meaning has been "dressed up" to mean something different.
If we study the word "affection" and see its true meaning, affection is not love. It is that desire
which we express through an exertion of the astral body(albeit mostly unknown by us) and this
activity affects our contacts. It is not the spontaneous desirelessness of the soul which asks nothing
for the separated self. This glamour of sentiment imprisons and bewilders all the nice people in
the world, imposing upon them obligations which do not exist, and producing a glamour which
must eventually be dissipated by the pouring in of true and selfless love.
Those of us who "people please" are within this orbit of niceness, bending over backwards to please
our wife or husband, or boss at work,yet seething with resentment within us, we have a false smile
on our faces, and anger within our hearts.When we do this thing, we are being nice, but baring in mind that the old French meaning of that word, meant foolish or stupid!
I am not a nice person, real but not nice, a real person, will tell you the truth about perhaps some
thing that you are doing that is damaging your health, even though it might cost you your
friendship with this person, a nice person would keep their mouth shut, and not fear upsetting
you. Real can stand for,relating-embracing-all-life, accepting all things as they are, and not trying
to change anything, except yourself.
To me the difference between nice and real are this, reality being real shows you exactly how things
are, without any dressing up or covering up, that which stands before you, whereas nice want to cover
up the naked truth, with a colorful cloth. Life gives back to you what is real, if my life is in a mess
and I need to change, a real person would say, get of your ass and sort yourself out, before its too late,
a nice person would say, have a cup of tea, you will feel better then!!!
I have many real friends around this world, but have not any nice friends,real friends tell you how it is, if you step over the line with them, they will tell you straight to your face, back off buddy, a nice
friend would ignore this, and therefore give me no check on my behavior, therefore am likely to be
an asshole again, with a true real friend, it would stop that instant, and I would respect their response
for my behavior .
In part two will explore this further,  Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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