Friday 26 October 2018

Stranger Within Awaiting Discovery Divine Life Expressed..=S W A D D L E

We each have a stranger within us, that is swaddled up so tightly that there is no movement
made within our waking consciousness, and we therefore remain completely unaware of this
sleeping stranger within us all.
As we make progress through many lives here on this earth plane, and in so doing, gather vast
amounts of experience. There comes a time when this tightly wrapped swaddled stranger begins
to stir, and when this occurs, we begin to get intuitive thoughts and ideas entering into our heads.
We begin to hear an inner small voice, that will whisper a comforting word when we are in times
of trial or crisis.
The birth of the soul into our waking consciousness has been within the long history of mankind,
and also the birth of many religions, the birth of our soul into our waking consciousness can be
likened to the birth of Jesus, the difference being that Jesus was supposed to be born in a stable
and our souls are born within our physical body, at least that appears to be, but of course the soul
does not actually have any physical properties that we would understand , because the soul is of
the spirit, rather than that of matter.
The biblical injunction of, "except yea be born again, ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven"
We need to understand first that "heaven" is not a PLACE, but rather a state of mind, it means
literally harmony of mind and spirit,and to be born again means to literally wake up to the 
swaddled stranger within you, which is your Divine Immortal Soul. when you do that fully
then you are in fact literally born again of the spirit, that is the REAL YOU dear reader of this
blog, we are all Divine immortal souls, whether we accept it or not, reject it or not, what we all
think about this universal reality is totally and utterly irrelevant to the reality that it IS!
All we are as personalities and ego's are just vehicles, so that the real being which is the soul
can gain experience here on earth, we as just vehicles have no more reality than the car you drive
to work is real, it is a real vehicle, and provides a service like getting you to work on time, but
sooner or later in will end up in the scrap yard, and your vehicle will end up in  coffin, but your
soul will continue living, because it is immortal.
In part two will look deeper into this subject.   Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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