Friday 26 October 2018

Follow Life Open Way.= F L O W Part Two.

Life is forever on the move,it cannot ever remain still, we are either going forwards, backwards
or in ever decreasing circles, but never still.
Life is basically energy, living-intelligent-focused- energy=LIFE, and we are all beings within
the flow of life, forever on the move, each new experience we experience brings us one step
closer to the point where we begin to start making connections, because that is the whole purpose
of life here upon the earth plane, and that is to make connections through experiences gathered
and in so doing gain insight into the inner workings of who you really are.
Knowing who you really are, is the sole purpose of your existence here, there is no other reason
although we may kid ourselves with fancy and noble ideas, the fact is that our sole purpose here
is to find the reality of our inner divine immortal soul. That's it! Nothing more! Then when we have
managed soul realization,we move onto the next phase of our evolution, that of SELF realization
where we then enter into the realm of ALL CONSCIOUSNESS, which is at the moment beyond
our present comprehension, the many become the few, then the few become the ONE!
Because so many of us live in a pseudo based false reality, we imagine all manner of things that
are "EXTREMELY" important and milestones to be appropriated  within our individual lifetime
and although many of these are indeed noble and grand accomplishments, they all pale into
INSIGNIFICANCE compared with the reality of knowing who you really are, that of being an
immortal divine soul, we need to be mindful of this, because that is why we are all here, to find
this inner reality within us.Of course each experience we encounter will indeed bring us all one
step closer to that grand day when we each realize the reality of our own inner soul. And also
all those grand and noble achievements that we have worked so hard for, will indeed help to
propel us further along the way towards soul realization, and no experience is ever wasted, nature
in very economical in her way, and no experience is ever wasted.
If we can but put aside the outer flow side of our  lives, and instead  turn our gaze inward and dive
into the inner flow of life, we will then begin to make those ever so important connections, that will
ultimately lead you to full soul realization.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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