Sunday 14 October 2018

Consciousness Reels At Potential Unrealized Life Using Selfishness.=C R A P U L O U S.

Before I start this blog just a word about crapulous and what it actually means, which I feel is
very appropriate in this day and age, Crapulous comes from the Latin word Craulosus meaning
intoxication, the dictionary defines the word as thus; 1,marked by intemperance especially in
eating and drinking alcohol, 2,sick from excessive indulgence in liquor.The grammatical
rule of onomatopoea seems to apply here, as the word crapulous sounds like what it describes!
When we look at the millions who are dying every year through gross intoxication of food
alcohol, and drugs, we can begin to see the big picture here, where obesity is now running out
of control in many countries, like the USA, and Europe,drug addiction wipes out millions every
year, and alcoholism is running rampant world wide, and killing tens of millions every year.
On top of that you have a suicide committed every forty five seconds 24/7 year in year out.
Mental and emotional illnesses are increasing daily, and the world seems to be heading for
a major health and mental health epidemic.
The crapulous life style is indulged by the ten of millions, many of them will all be dead and buried
long before their pensions are due. The media and social outlets all seem to encourage heavy drinking
of alcohol, the message they put out is that you cannot "have a good time" unless you are drunk
and indulging in "recreational drugs". So many lives are run by media manipulators and we all seem
gullible to buy into the utter bullshit they peddle out to drunk and drugged up punters.
All our consciousness reels at the utter lack of our full potential ever having a chance in hell of
ever being realized., we are fed puerile bullshit by the media giants, that encourage selfishness
and greed, promising much and delivering heartache and sickness. we are bombarded by all these
wannabes who promise you "abundance" if only you send them the money, and so many of us must
send money to these lying toerags or else they would be out of business.. There is no such thing as something for nothing, it does not exist, ask your self the question, if these peddlers of abundance had
a fool proof way "TO FORCE THE UNIVERSE TO GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT, then why are these crap filled merchants, not sat on their luxury yacht sailing the south Pacific, instead of asking
you for fifty dollars to buy their worthless junk.?
We need to turn away from the bullshit and false and vain promises, and look into our hearts, while
it is still beating! Before we get consumed by our own greed and intoxication.
In part two will explore this further.   Warm regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

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