Friday 12 October 2018

Perspectives Of Underlying Reality=P O U R

Our perspectives of what we think of as reality, and what it truly is, are often very different. We all
as science says, are made of energy, and energy again as science says is eternal, it cannot be destroyed only converted into energy. Energy as science again informs us, is everywhere,
ubiquitous in nature, why then are we, who are all made of energy, all located in one spot?
This I feel has to do with our sense of location, and our sense and present level of consciousness
and depth of awareness.  Our brains tell us we are here and now, and thereby could not possibly
be anywhere else! But if we look deeper into our perspectives of how we think things are, we
will be amazed as to just how different reality actually is,to what we all tend to think it is.
Take the notion of distance for instance. The whole notion of the very idea of such a thing as
distance, can really only arise if we are all living out of synchronization with reality.
The word distance implies that there is a place to move to where you are NOT presently located?
But if we are all energy, which we are ,as science tells us so,then we would be  present everywhere
simultaneously,therefore the idea of such a thing as distance to just energy would be totally absurd
and ridiculous. Where could we possibly go that you were already there at?
Time and space and distance are all illusions conjured up by a dualistic based mind set,there is no time, just the eternal now, there is no distance, just HERE and NOW, and there is no space, just an
unified field, that contains everything within the universe within its infinite embrace.We as a thing
called human beings, which in truth is really just vehicles for our indwelling soul.Our inner nature
is ubiquitous, which means that we are all eternal ubiquitous spirit inwardly, absolute in nature,
and outwardly we are all locked into a duality expressed relative universe, hence the confusion as
to what is real, and what is not, we have a relative reality, which changes and moves, and we have
an absolute reality, which never changes and is eternally motionlessness.
Our aware consciousness and perceptions can and do extend beyond the reaches of our physical
bodies, which by its nature in firmly anchored here and now, grounded upon the planets surface
we though in our minds  and in deep meditation can go in consciousness way beyond even our
solar system. In part two will explore the idea of dimensional travel, like when you die, is there
a distance that you travel to somewhere, or do you just manifest in another dimension, occupying
the same space as you were just in? But invisible to those in the other dimension, you just vacated?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, face book Soul Realization.

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