Monday 15 October 2018

Consciousness Reels At Potential Unrealized Life Using Selfishness.=CRAPULOUS Part Two.

As mentioned in yesterday's blog, the word crapulous means basically to be intoxicated, with either
food, drugs, or alcohol, and literally tens of millions of us are living and dying in this intoxicated
mind destroyed way every year, and the numbers will soon double that amount.
We live in a world where celebrities and these so called "socialites" (whatever that is?) are
worshiped, instead of any spiritual principle or deity, and we follow their  vacuous shallow lives
with a rapt and trance like interest.
I would not be over surprised that any day now we will see the news headlines, "Breaking news"
A famous so and so admitted to reporters that she regularly "farts in the bath"and it is on News at Ten! Our levels of consciousness instead of being deep and abundantly perceptive, are instead
skimming on the surface level within the infinite ocean of consciousness, all direction towards
any depth, is stymied by an onslaught of media pulsations filling our heads with utter crapulous
nonsense, urging you to buy, spend money,  have a good time, get drunk, drugged up, and be
very trendy, like these celebrities do! We are all urged from birth till death, to always look out
there for the answer, or it you are stuck, "ask Goggle for gods sake"! never are we invited to look
within ourselves for any credible  answers, the message from the media, and from your smart phone,
is don't bother looking within your self, go shopping instead, give yourself a treat, max out your
credit card, you deserve a lifetime of mounting debt.
Our lives are going completely unrealized, and being wasted by bullshit promises from the corporate
media outlets, that have a big financial interest in keeping us all dumbed down and mesmerized
by  their corporate lies.
Egotism and selfishness are seen as  a kind of modern virtue, that gives you power and prestige
in you tread on a few others to get what you want, who gives a shit? Is the mentality of this mind
set.We are all three fold expressions of life, we are physical, mental, and spiritual beings, but the
vast majority of the seven or so billion souls that inhabit this planet, are only living in just two
dimensions, physical and mental, the spiritual dimension is for a vast majority  completely
unknown, and unrealized. This is why this planet, or more appropriately the human race is now
undergoing a major crisis, that shows no sign of letting up.
If we all can just take the time to switch of all our devices, including the smart phone, and take the
time to look within ourselves, ask yourself the question, "who am "I""? Then you will be upon a
path that leads to depth in consciousness and awareness, and move away from shallow suficial
bullshit, dressed up as something of value.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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