Wednesday 31 October 2018

Consciousness And Spontaneity Harmonise-Inviting Numinosity.=C A S H I N Part Two.

Consciousness and spontaneity go hand in hand with each other,they both reflect each other
perfectly when there is no obstruction present, the obstruction that is present within humanity
is the ego, and the ego is the "wedge" that divides consciousness from its reflection spontaneity,
because the vast majority of mankind are completely out of rhythm with the natural order of
universal law, we are all misaligned and therefore not being and acting spontaneously,due to
the presence of the all watchful ego. Nature devoid of any ego is therefore naturally spontaneous
much like the animal and insect life are.
To invite numinosity into our lives, which means to open ourselves up to the inner divine soul
that dwells within us all,we therefore need to go within and begin the act of reconnecting the
inner energy with our present level of consciousness and attempt to marry the two together.
Then we will be moving towards more spontaneous (therefore natural) actions and gradually
move away from the stifling interruptive interference of the ego.
We can never achieve a natural spontaneity by focusing our gaze outward and remaining
ego centred and therefore by implication being ever watchful of what we think,say, and do,
we can ever only achieve a natural spontaneity  by going within ourselves and embracing the
reality of our true and immortal heritage. By doing this one act of refocusing, we are then
beginning the process of becoming realigned with the natural universal order of things, and this
will set in motion an inner arising of higher energy that will naturally begin to coordinate your
life so that harmony and order will be fully restored, and you will feel and be more in tune with
the natural rhythm of life, which will express itself in a natural spontaneous  response to whatever
you interact with.
Our consciousness is in fact an infinite ocean of knowingness that  has infinite depth, we have but
to take a deep breath and dive into the depths of knowing which is the matrix of consciousness and
then see how we will all begin to naturally realign ourselves to all reality, because we ARE THE
EMBODIMENT of reality and therefore we act within this reflection principle which has within
its matrix core that of spontaneity! Spontaneity and consciousness are in truth one of the same thing.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

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