Monday 18 June 2018

Absolute Elemental Thought Harmoniously Expressing Reality.=A E T H E R .

The element aether, called "AKASHA"  in Sanskrit is the first element, it comes first because it is
the most subtle of the elements, often referred to as "space" it is the essence of emptiness. It is the
"space" all the other elements "fill".The aether or the akasha  they are both the same thing, its just
that the name Luminiferous aether  is a more recent title for this "unified field" as its older name
that of akasha goes back thousands of years, long before our science popped up and started calling
this unified field, dark energy, and dark matter, to me these two names are meaningless they are
just speculations  about something that science does not yet understand. According to science
dark energy is 68% of the universe.and dark dark matter is 27% of the universe making the total
amount to 95%, which just leaves 5 % for the rest of the universe. If we were to use that percentage
and use the word aether instead of dark energy,or dark matter,then we would be much closer to
the reality of what the "UNIFIED FIELD" actually IS! The aether to me is basically an infinite
ocean  or field in which EVERY OCCURRENCE  that occurs within the universe ARISES from
within this absolute field. This Absolute Field that UNIFIES ALL MOTION is not  "out there"
light years "away" from this earth, far from it, we are all totally immersed within this field here
on earth. In fact if you were even more than an ATOM distance from the aether you would be
vaporized within a microsecond. This "FIELD" which is absolute and infinite enables motion
to actually move?  Without the aether no motion, no expressed life, no universe!  It is a "living
field" that is the core of consciousness that we all access here on earth. the main reason it is
difficult to detect is because its unified field is slightly "out of phase" with what we call the time
space continuum,  it can only be detected by science by what is called inference, they see effects
they believe it is causing, but cannot detect it directly.  But this unified can be felt by those who
go within themselves and expand their consciousness, because this aether field is one hundred
per cent PURE CONSCIOUSNESS, where NO MIND exists! All the great masters and YOGIS
down through the centuries have know and deeply penetrated  into this infinite ocean of energy.
For this universe to exist, it needs a unified field, where everything that "ARISES" within this FIELD
is CONNECTED and INTERCONNECTED to ALL, The is NO such thing as anything that is separated from the WHOLE, separation is totally and absolutely IMPOSSIBLE!
Tomorrow will explore this further, warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome Facebook Soul realization.

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