Saturday 30 June 2018

What Is Reality Examining Definition. =W I R E D .

"There is no plurality in absolute reality" a quote from an older blog of mine. To start this blog of
the first thing needed to be said is, which actual reality are we talking about? Because there are
basically two perceptions of reality. One is relative reality, which is dual in nature, this is called
the relative physical universe, the one we all call home, and one that is full of opposites like male
and female, right and wrong, yes and no, this is the YIN and YANG universe, however this physical
universe which exists like an "outer field" from one that lies "beneath it", and this one is called
Absolute reality, and here there exists basically NOTHING -and EVERYTHING both at the same time,There is zero duality,there is NO MOTION WHATSOEVER, and as the relative universe can
be somewhat described in a manner that "seems" to make sense, in other words it is describable
the absolute universe of reality can seem to be totally indescribable, and all words seem to fail,
here I think the operative word is "seem" to fail, the ancient ones would leave it to the words that
it just "IS" if you move from the IDEA of what "IS" you fall into a minefield of basically meaningless words, which we need to understand is that all WORDS are relative! A  relative cannot
ever describe an Absolute, therefore all words fail miserably.  This will not however stop me using them!!  There is a parallel forming within the leading researchers in quantum physics and unified
field theory, with that of the ancient knowledge and wisdom contained within the Bhagavad Gita
This research is revealing that the wisdom of the past knew exactly what the universe was made of
and that ultimately it all RESOLVED INTO ONE! Way beyond duality! Way beyond such illusions
as time and space, and way beyond the very idea of such a THING as THINGS! In absolute reality
there is NO PLURAL of THING> THE additional letter "S" does not exist in absolute reality, it
only seems to exist in our level of reality.
If you look into the mirror, what do you actually see? You see a reflection of an outer form (your
body) veiling an inner reality, we only even see the outer reflection, we NEVER SEE the inner
reality! In that sense reality is always  hidden from our eyes, but not from our perceptual consciousness? Quantum physics and unified field theory have also left duality behind, some of
them, but not all of them!  They see a unified field of energy, some are even BOLD enough to
mention the word CONSCIOUSNESS as the unified field, ONE FIELD of energy consciousness
It does not then take a great leap of thought that perhaps even this consciousness field which is
by the way SUPER INTELLIGENT could also be called SPIRIT. Tomorrow will go deeper into
this vast and tiny subject and see what the COST actually is COST meaning Consciousness-Of
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome (never get any?) Facebook Soul Realization.

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