Wednesday 13 June 2018

Seed Thought Obeys Realities Mother-SHAKTI.=S T O R M S Part Two.

The first cause was manifested within the absolute consciousness of the Absolute, the first cause
arose from within that Absolute in the formless form of an "IDEA" a Divine will-to be, and from
that Absolute Divine Intention, came what we now call a physical universe, all else including us
all here on Earth, are effects of the effects of the effects, ad Infinitum .We too in the physical body
are effects of the indwelling soul who caused our incarnation to occur, we as human beings are
not a principle, only the indwelling soul or higher self is a principle, which means eternal, the physical body is temporal and decays at the end of its time incarnated.  The seed thought that
obeys realities mother, is Shakti, and without this feminine influence within our inner and outer
life, we will incur the wrath of dis-harmony, that is where the "STORMS" which is the name
spelled out  of letters making the title of this blog! Mental, emotional, and physical storms
will cause all manner of dis-eases, and illnesses that befall mankind, plus the added negative
that takes the shape of "longing" this longing feeling can become a HOLE within us , and we
feel empty, and then try and "FEED" this empty longing feeling. Hence the occurrence of
additive behavior  like Obesity, which is rising globally faster than a helium filled balloon!
Also drug addiction, alcoholism, and sex and porn addictions, all these conditions arise
because we do not know how to satisfy this LONGING FEELING!! And because we do not
know, we die in our tens of millions every year, of dis-ease and dis-pair, and much more
poignant dis-harmony. We all need to turn within ourselves, to find that divine mother SHAKTI
which dwells within our hearts, the longing feeling is a vibration echo that arises from within
your soul, your higher self, which has memory of divine bliss and total harmonic concordance
this echo vibration is a reminder of where we came from, and since being born here, have forgotten.
All that remains for most of us is the longing feeling, that we cannot seem to understand from whence
it arises. Well now you know! It arises from within your higher self, your very own immortal
soul,to satisfy this inner longing turn within yourself, meditate or take up yoga, embrace that divine
mother that is the feminine aspect of Divinity and if you do that long enough, and open up to be
changed from within,then you will find wholeness instead of fragmentation and disharmony.
Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcome facebook Soul Realization.

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