Thursday 21 June 2018

Spirit Opens Up Life Soul Emerges Triumphant. =S O U L S E T Part Two.

The "pivotal point" in our evolution was when the "I" was born. The beginning of self consciousness
and self awareness,the beginnings of the phase of "I" cognition, were very brutish and animal like
we were still very much one dimensional, that being just physical, with a rudimentary "I" level of
consciousness and awareness, we were very "cunning" rather than smart.As the centuries slipped
by, we gradually become more coherent and self aware, the true mental faculties that we have today
were  gradually formed. Birth and death were quickly repeated, reincarnation was almost instantaneous, back and forth we came, each time to further and different experiences.With the  birth
of the "I" there occurred an awakening of the soul, previous to this awakening the soul was completely unconscious and totally unaware of its existence, it was always alive, but was unable to
know this,it had no capacity for reflection or knowing that it was here! We know that we know, but
unconscious life is very much alive, but is completely unable to KNOW this!  Our souls are the
vehicle of the Spirit, just as our physical bodies are vehicles of the soul. We are basically expressed
in the universal theater like this. our innermost expression is spirit, second expression is the soul
and the third expression is the physical body.We all are expressed within this trinity like sequence
As mentioned yesterday there are over seven billion souls upon this earth, but there is only ONE
SELF, or SPIRIT, we need to understand what this really means. First thing to understand is that
EVERY soul on earth and elsewhere, has all "emerged from spirit" that is what we all basically are
and always have been. We with the development of the "I" also developed the ego and the mind
and the concept of individuality, the thought that we were separate from the whole., which is of
course impossible, when we go within ourselves and begin to discover who we REALLY ARE
rather than who we think we are, the picture will gradually become clearer. Meditation and Yoga
are wonderful ways to reveal your TRUE IDENTITY, and drop the pseudo personality that we all
exist behind. When we find our true SELF, we will also find everything else, and personality and
individuality will vanish from your consciousness, like mist before the rising sun.
Each time we are born here, we have opportunities presented to us, these are ways of determining
our course in the arc of evolution, will we take this opportunity to begin looking within us? Will
we actually take an active and conscious decision to open up ourselves up to inner change?
We all pay our money (choice) and takes our choice, what will you choose dear reader?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, Facebook Soul Realization.

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