Wednesday 20 June 2018

Spirit Opens Up Life Soul Emerges Triumphant. =S O U L -S E T .

"As a single sun illuminates the whole world, even so does ONE spirit illumine everybody"
Bhagavad Gita chaper X111.
Spirit is who you really are. Pure eternal spirit is your real SELF,your essential nature, and not an
individualized thing. There is not a different spirit  for each person, spirit is ONE and shines over
all,just as the One sun shines over everybody on this earth. My spirit is the same as your spirit, in
fact there is no such thing as "my spirit"  or "your spirit" because spirit knows no separateness
it is what Hinduism call the ATMAN the SELF. It is literally one and the same in essence and
identity as the Supreme Spirit, the Supreme SELF.
We need to distinguish between the words spirit and soul, the most fundamental difference is this;
there are just over seven billion souls on this planet, but there is only ONE SPIRIT, and that One
spirit is not actually upon this earth,rather it "hovers" above the planet in another dimension, as spirit
and gross matter do not mix. There are three stages in realization, that we all will eventually go
through, the first stage is human physical realization, which all of us are hopefully very familiar
with, then there comes soul-realization, the title of my blogs, then after we have realized that we are
all immortal souls, we enter the last realization that of spirit realization, where we then see clearly
that we are spirit with a soul, and that realization begins the dissolving process of things like personality, and egotism and self-centered thoughts and behaviors and of course exclusive ideas
as by the time you arrive at spiritual realization you will be seeing and thinking totally inclusively.
What then is the soul? We know what spirit is, it is ABSOLUTE LIFE,  it is everything in the universe and much more than that so!  Consciousness emerges from within absolute SPIRIT and
this universe is a product of consciousness, the ABSOLUTE thought a GREAT THOUGHT and
MOTION and the universe were born, from within the absolute, behind all "things" including YOU
reading this blog, lies a THOUGHT, all matter and energy within the universe is basically THOUGHT which is just another word for SPIRIT, the SOUL "EMERGED from WITHIN the
spirit"  and for countless aeons was just mindless unconscious force (spirit) we were emerged within
the mineral kingdom for countless aeons, then on through all the other kingdoms, billions of years passed by, and still we ventured on-wards still very much unconscious, alive but not knowing it?
Then eventually arrived at a pivotal point in our evolution where "I" was BORN!
To be continued tomorrow, warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome,Facebook Soulrealization 

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