Saturday 23 June 2018

Humans Are Vehicles Of Consciousness. -H A V O C Part Two.

This planet is not our home, rather is is as William Shakespeare said in "As YOU LIKE IT, "All the
world is a stage, and men and women merely players , they have their exits,  and their entrances"
We exit at the point of change(death) and our entrances at birth. Not only is the Earth a stage for
us all to "perform on" it is also a school where we are able to learn (eventually) who we really are.
If  we follow the analogy of the world is a stage, then we are all actors then?  We each seem to have
our individual personality, personality comes from the Latin Persona, and seen by the world famous
Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalysis  Carl Gustav Jung, as a (social facade) a pretense, acting!
You may be acting the "role" of a doctor, or an unemployed "actor", a bricklayer, or midwife, we
each act out a "role" which role are you acting in dear reader of this blog? We are all here to learn
and fully understand the reality that we are all ONE LIFE FORCE in ESSENCE and that essence
is SPIRIT, that is what we all ACTUALLY ARE!!! This planet is a school room and a stage-set
where souls (that is who you really are dear reader) all come to learn to go beyond their personality
their (social facade) to reach beyond their ego's, and self centredness and find the unity that exists
within us all, we are here to learn and understand the meaning of love and acceptance, to move from
being exclusive to include all within the principle of inclusiveness. We are hear to rent the shadow
the havoc of ignorance from our conceptual consciousness,to wake up from our "acting role" and see
the truth and the reality that lies beneath this bullshit social facade that we are all engaged in.
We are all at different levels of understanding, some of us have been here many times and have played out most of the roles available to play, others are newer on this stage of living expression
and have many roles awaiting them as they plough through the coming fields of experiences.
We are fortunate in this time of expression that we have the internet and GOOGLE so any questions
that arise within our minds, can be easily answered by a internet search. This was not available to
us all years ago. If you ask yourself the question, who am "I"  there are plenty of websites who will tell you, or you could read this blog, as you are now doing dear reader.Our true home is the whole
universe, we are all universal beings, that is what spirit actually is, a living universal intelligent
LIFE FORCE. Just in case any of you are somewhat uneasy about being an ubiquitous  formless
and shapeless universal energy called SPIRIT, be reassured that you will have your SOUL BODY
CONSCIOUSNESS, and that can have form and shape, if that;s what you want, but before you get there dear reader, you will experience the "GRADUAL UNFOLDING" of your inner reality, and
this will only move along at the speed you are able to grasp,on any given day, nothing in reality is
ever forced upon you, it is always a motion of inwardness by the echo of the outer curiosity that is
responded to.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcome Facebook Soulrealization. 

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