Monday 4 June 2018

Divinity Reigning Earthwards Alert Mode.=D R E A M .

The total number of souls born every year on earth is 131.4 million, the total number of deaths  per
year globally is 55.3 million, this works out at four births per second  every second of the day, and
two people die each second  of every day. The numbers clearly show that the birth rate far outweighs
the death rate, there are in fact over fifty per cent more births  each year than there are deaths.
Much has been mentioned over the last few years about this planet reaching a "tipping point" where
once reached, events and major global problems would increase exponentially.
The year 2012 was a year when many things were going to happen, some thought that this would
signal the end of the world, well we are still all here! And that was several years ago now, so what
if anything is happening today? Well the facts are that over fifty five per cent more people are being
born each year, than there are dying, so many millions more of us are here than those passing away.
Could this be taken as a message that something is about to happen? It seems to me that many more
souls are clamoring to get here, because they have a purpose and a destiny to fulfil, what could that
be I wonder?  If we look at what a human being actually consists of, then the picture will become
somewhat clearer,human beings are basically vehicles for the Divine soul to incarnate within and
gather experience upon this plane of opportunity. So the fact we have so many more souls here than
ever before on the known history of this planet (there is an unknown one as well?) seems to suggest
that things are about to happen, or are gradually happening, that will bring about major changes upon
all on this planet., each human being is an anchor-point for the indwelling Divinity, whether they
know it or not,accept it or not, what ones thinks,says, and does, is really irrelevant to what actually
IS!  It would seem that Divinity wants many more anchors here, which will awaken to their true
nature, that of being an immortal divine soul, and that level of awakened consciousness anchored
upon this earth plane will gradually or even more quickly bring about major changes, and this will
cause a rise in global consciousness, that will send at first ripples out across the planet, then these
ripples will become much more impacting and grow into a global tsunami that will wash out all
the crap that lingers, and leave a freshened hope of joyful consciousness in its wake.
In part two will explore this more,warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

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