Thursday 18 August 2022


This blog today entitled WOW is about answering the question  of WHAT our "we"?

"WE" are LIFE we could say, well then what is LIFE? To me life stands for Living-

-Intelligent-Focused-Energy=LIFE, so life by this definition is that of Living-Intelligent

Focused-Energy, we are then Energy that is alive and seems to be focused. What then is

Energy in its essence, this force that seems to contain all life within its infinite embrace?

Science tells us that energy cannot be destroyed only converted into another form, and 

therefore energy is eternal and infinite. What then is the NATURE of ENERGY? Well

all energy within this universe has one common denominator in that it VIBRATES and

has MOTION. What then lies within that which has NO-MOTION-ZERO Motion? It

cannot be ENERGY as energy has MOTION, so what is motionlessness or stillness 

called?  The answer to that riddle  is that of SPIRIT which is Absolute BRAHMAN or

GOD for short. SPIRIT is Absolute and motionlessness in its STILL STATELESS STATE

but when an INTENTION FLOWS from Absolute Consciousness  causing MOTION

to ARISE from within stillness the SPIRIT EXITS the Absolute and becomes 

RELATIVE which means it then gains MOTION and is no longer called SPIRIT  but

instead is now called Universal ENERGY..

So to answer the question of WOW  what our we? The answer is that "WE" are all absolute

motionless SPIRIT/GOD, being expressed and motioned into shape and form in order

to have the experience  of tangibility  living experiences. "WE" all our GOD moving

through the illusion of time and space as a RELATIVE BEING.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

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