Wednesday 31 August 2022


 This blog today entitled LOTUS is about how we all can blossom like the beautiful 

LOTUS flower by going within ourselves and revealing or unveiling what lies deep

within us all. The beautiful LOTUS flower has its roots in the mud at the bottom of

the lake. This mud represents the ignorance that lies deep within us all, about the 

true nature of our being. The process of unveiling the immortal soul which lies 

within every human being, is what we have to learn while being incarnate here 

on Earth. We learn hopefully through our innumerable experiences of daily living

which sooner or later will cause us to examine what lies within you. This often

comes when we are confronted by a severe crisis in our lives. Crisis brings about

a "searching for answers" "what is the meaning of life?" When our backs are up 

against the wall, we often then hear a still small voice within us, whispering words

of comfort and reassurance , this still small voice is the voice of your INTUITION

if we think on this we can make a connection about what is the nature of this inner 

voice?  By doing this we will begin looking within ourselves for the nature of this 

inner voice. If we are wise when this occurs it will set of a CURIOSITY within us

that wants to know more about this inner voice. When that occurs we are then well 

on our way to revealing and unveiling that inner presence that dwells within us all,

which is your IMMORTAL DIVINE SOUL. At first by meditating we discover the

Higher Self , we contact our INTUITION and get flashes of insight. When we achieve

this  we are only a heartbeat away from contacting that Divine SOUL who is the REAL

YOU! Then like the lotus you will bloom , and your inner truth will lead you into a 

full and comprehensive understanding of who you really are.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.