Monday 1 August 2022


 This blog today entitled BEE is about how our outer appearance beguiles the true

nature of who we really are. We as eternal entities are hidden or rather beguiled behind

a FACADE of form which is our physical vehicle the human body.

Outwardly we are all relative physical beings with a limited time of existence upon

this planet. But inwardly we are all eternal entities who have never experienced death

and are in fact UNBORN BEING.

Knowing ourselves is the greatest thing that any human being can know, all other things

pale into insignificance compared to knowing who and what you truly are. This is the only

reason YOU are here! To find out who you are by engaging in numerous experiences of

being both male and female, being parents, feeling both love and hatred both sides of the

same coin. It is through many experiences over many lives that eventually we make the 

decision to recast our gaze from forever outward to inwards, here we start looking into 

the nature of who we truly are.

By doing this we are beginning to realize that there is an INTELLIGENCE within us 

that seems to dwell deep within our being. When we realize this inner truth of our 

Indwelling SOUL we can through meditation move towards further understanding 

that this inner Intelligence is really WHO YOU ARE! Beneath this FACADE  of form.

When this realization dawns upon us, we then begin to realize that deep within us we are

all really IMMORTALDIVINE BEINGS, which means that we all our Eternal Entities

having a relative experience upon this planet Earth.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully I am on the final leg of my journey
