Friday 5 August 2022


 This blog today entitled INSIDE is about what does lie INSIDE all of us, and what

do we need  to know about our true immortal identity! These are questions that can 

only be answered by going within ourselves. To fully know ourselves is really our 

primary objective, because if you do not know who you really are, what will you base 

your life on and the decisions you make? If you do not know who you really are, then 

you will be missing one important ingredient which is who are you really?  This 

NESCIENCE about our true selves is the cause of all the wars and hatred that abound

upon this planet, if we only knew that we are all connected and interconnected to each

other by a bond of Spiritual Love and connectivity, all brothers and sisters from the 

ONE-SOURCE only all equal and all connected. If we really knew ourselves wars

and hatred ,famines and hunger would vanish from this planet. Because of our gross

NESCIENCE we are all imagining that we are separate beings and not connected to

the wholeness of life, this is a blatant lie that causes all the global woes and wars,

thinking that we are apart from and different.

Inside is about looking inside ourselves and seeing and feeling the connection we have

with one another. We are all 7.7 billion vehicles who are all here to learn and know who

you really are and to gain experience and to let go of the ignorance and embrace the inner

knowledge and wisdom that will arise within you when you search into your heart and

inner being to reveal that soul/ spirit that dwells deeply within you and everyone else 

upon this planet Earth.

Warmest regards michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. I have always believed in and known that there should be equality and non-violence. I wonder if this knowledge came from a past life. Maybe I was close to rediscovering myself then.i hope I get there this time.
