Friday 17 February 2017

Life On The Ocean Wave.

Science is nearing the complete realization that all is consciousness and that is just another word for energy ,but  not energy that we ignorantly think it is ,but  rather living intelligent energy that very same energy that forms what we call a physical body.
Reality is basically dual in expression and inexpression reality is an ocean infinite, and eternal expression in the physical relative universe and unexpressed as infinite potential in the absoluteness
of unknowability.
We are living factually and actually on the crest of a wave ,here  the word wave can be expressed as this When-Awake-Value-Expression, The ocean of consciousness or energy forms a wavelet a crest that mounts up and is In-formed given shape and substance and then a process of gathering all the right amount of energy patterns needed to inform and being about a physical body, when this is done
you are then funnelled into a lower dimensional  frequency the   elements of earth air water and fire are summoned and loan this to be human being the correct energy patterns and frequency needed to exist upon the earth plane, your parents have already been selected and you hover over your to be parents and as soon as the egg of the mother has been fertilised by the sperm of the father you fall to earth in the factual and literal sense.
When we grow up and start to awaken to an inner sense of being ness and start to question life and its meaning it is at this point that we need to go within to find the answer to the apparent riddle of life.
If we take up the practice of meditation we will soon begin to find our way into revealing our true nature, we need to dive into the very depths of the ocean of life within us, there we will begin to find answers to the searching questions we ask ourselves and others, and even more reason for diving deep is that it offers us a place of safety from the illusion and shallowness of outer life, we discover a higher self our soul and in so doing align ourselves with the natural current and flow of the infinite ocean of we  are a part of.

warmet regards Michael.

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