Friday 10 February 2017

A Master Lives Within Us And We Know It Not.

This blog is a follow on from the guru within ,it  is written in the holy books of   life that we have
a temple within us ,and  that there is no need to build  these places we each have our own inbuilt
temple within us, but how many of us are actually aware of this fact ,and  make no mistake dear reader this is not a theory it is an actual fact of living reality I know this from my own personal experience of contacting this master within us all, and many  thousands of others have had the same experiences.
It seems though and certainly in my experience that I had to hit a major life threatening crisis to blast me out of my resistance and bring me to my knees before I could even come close to accepting the reality of this master within us all.
It was only are years of going through what is commonly called the dark night of the soul ,that  I actually became ready through pain and anguish to accept this reality within me and ask for its help ,which  was immediately given, and this master within has been my constant companion for the last forty three years.
What then is the master within us that lives within the cave of our hearts ,it  is no other that our higher self  the divine soul that we each have with us ,and  is the very embodiment of love and total
unconditional  acceptance we are loved so deeply ,yet  often many of us live our entire life completely unaware of this magnificent jewel within our hearts.
Each one of you reading this blog can put this to the test, you do not have to take my word for it,try it for yourself and find that master that lives within you.
Meditation is a wonderful tool to explore our inner self and introduce our self  to the master within it may take a while for contact to be established but it will happen if you are honest in your endeavour and patient and practise some humility and recognise your own ignorance.
Try it for a while, what have you got to loose ? Just your old self that is.

warmest regards Michael,

1 comment:

  1. your tryst with divinity is a wonderful experience.regards
