Friday 10 February 2017

What Would Life Say To Us Today?

Supposing we imagined life as a vast intelligent energy and that we could communicate with it and ask questions.
What would we ask I wonder? What shall I do with my life? Life says what do you want to do in your life?
I want to be successful and happy you say, then do so says life. We get in a crisis and ask life for help, how can I help you says life ,I am in pain and feel full of fear you say ,life  says let go of the pain and fear, you say Its not that easy to do ,well  keep hold of it then says life ,but  keeping hold of it hurts me you bleat out in anguish ,well  then let go of it life says again rather loudly.
Have any of you dear readers been in this position before, wanting help and when it was offered resisted it?
It is only in crisis that we are open to suggestions that may include changing the way we do things ,or  think about things  ,why  is it that we seem very resistant to change? Is it  because of what the old adage says "better the devil you know than the one you don't"
Life is actually a mirror held in front of you and reflecting back to you exactly what you give out, this is not by the way any pet theory of mine it is an absolute fact the other name for this mirror reflective principle is Karma or cause and effect.
Once we know for sure that this principle is very valid and real, we begin to adjust our lives accordingly trying through practises like meditation and yoga to align our selves with natural law and thereby drastically reducing the amount of karma we collect unto ourselves.
We begin to understand that love and kindness,patience and tolerance are positive assets to acquire  and by being honest and open in our dealings with others, this way we grow as spiritual beings and leave the gross animal behaviours behind us.

warmest regards Michael

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