Thursday 23 February 2017

We Are The Noumenon Within And Phenomena Without.

What kind of world do we live in? Some would say we live in a sort of  Dystopian society that is
characterized by the human misery and squalor that abounds in many countries, oppression ,disease
and overcrowding.
The phenomenon (us) is merely the reflection of a  noumenon  in our point of consciousness.
If we could know the noumena (us)we would know things as they "ARE" whereas to know the
phenomena is merely to know things as they "appear" and that appearance is in itself an illusion.
As an iceberg is 90% of its volume underwater ,with  just 10% exposed on the surface, we too as a human race are mostly submerged within the noumena (spirit or soul) with only a small portion exposed into view, which is of course the physical body.
We are mostly hidden from each other and even more sadly hidden from ourselves, and so many
go to their graves none the wiser as to whom they really are ,it  does not have to be this way though ,there  is a way out of this ignorant fearful lost-full-ness if we would just only embrace it.
The way that would seem the easiest to adhere to is that of meditation, which if practised over a long enough period will result in the revealing nature that lies hidden within us all.
This practice will begin to expand your consciousness and awareness ,your  perceptions will become
more sensitive and acute, you will be able to sense the mood and presence of anyone you are talking to, and it will be impossible for then to deceive or lie to you ,as  your new found awareness will see right through and façade they try to trick you with.
And as you endeavour more deeply within yourself ,you  will eventually make contact with he higher
self the soul ,or  the Noumenon existing there awaiting all these years to be "discovered" by you and then welcome you to your true home that Divine reality that exists behind the illusions cast over our eyes by our own ignorance and the maya that veils that what is,and therefore we only see what is not!
warmest regards Michael.

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