Sunday 26 February 2017

The Tenebrous Spiral Staircase Of The Self.

The word tenebrous basically means "shut of from the light" "hard to understand" the spiral
staircase in question is the very one we all enter at the moment of conception, we spiral down
a vortex and that physical energy that is to become you and me, is then when we are fully formed
physically, anchored within the crown chakra ,and  remains there until we die (exit the vehicle) we then leave within another vortex back to the etheric plane from which we came. We are born via
a centrifugal vortex spinning clockwise, and we exit this plane on a centripetal  vortex spinning
anti clockwise, such is the way of lawful entry and exit from this plane of expression.
As I have mentioned many times in these  blogs, we are Souls with bodies, and not bodies with souls
just think about this for a moment ,and  you will see the importance of this.
We come from a plane where energy is light, we are light a place where there is no shadows as the light from that plane of being comes from within the life form and all its expressions ,the  difference
here is that light comes from without, and therefore casts shadows.
When we are born our memories of previous lives and experiences are mostly wiped clean from our
waking consciousness, we cross over the mythical river Styxx ,the river of forgetfulness and
awake in a new world.
If we are fortunate and have a positive and caring upbringing then we have a good start at re finding
of that inner light, that will lead us to revealing again our true inner nature, if on the other hand we have a nightmare childhood then hope for us lies in the form of an arising crisis within our life
that causes us to ask for help, get support ,or  some form of counselling that will hopefully lead onto
the realization and inner urge to look within ,and  find that still small voice that dwells there your higher self the soul.

warmest regards Michael


  1. You are giving us a wonderful education - thank you.

  2. Where did you get the quote from. I found it in my dictionary as an example of the word tenebrous. Yet it sounds like a quote from a book .

  3. Thank you David for your question, I do not remember where it came from
    most likely from the ancient wisdom that I tune into when meditating and research into on the internet. Hope you liked that blog and read some of the other 900 or so I have written.

  4. Hi Michael. You are in part right but love has ceased. In the truth Im more correct about your falsehood. You are not light nor bearer nor bringer nor a still image

  5. Thank you most kindly anonymous for your somewhat belated three years ago reply to this blog, I am grateful for your contribution, I so seldom get any feedback, so your most valuable contribution is like gold dust to me, I remain most grateful to you.


  7. My dear friend unknown, thank you for your contribution here,I fail to understand it, but never the less thank you for your trouble,rarely do i ever receive any feedback, so your is like the oasis in the desert.
